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You are beautiful

First summer post baby I think is a huge mental leap for most women. I still have my little baby pooch and can think of about a million reasons to not wear a swimsuit. As I walk I can feel my thighs rubbing together, my butt and stomach jiggling with each step. My boobs are so huge their past the “sexy” point 😂 and don’t even get my started on my armpit fat like why is that even a thing... I could go on about all the critical thoughts. For the first time in my life I actually have started shopping in the plus size section because normal boutique clothes literally don’t make anything big enough for all these curves. So I feel like I have two options. 

A ) I could body shame myself, hate my curves, my tiger stripes, and feel terrible. Feel embarrassed at the pool and wearing summer clothes. 

B ) Learn to love myself the way I am TODAY. Decide that I’m sexy and beautiful just the way am. Plus sized or not my body is amazing! 

So even though I still have to swallow down those feelings about how curvy I am and self conscious I am making an effort every single day to love me the way I am right now. There is a time and season or everything and I want to enjoy them all. 

Also huge shout out to @katyivesphotography + @lovewinniejames for making me feel comfortable and beautiful in a swimsuit I didn’t really think it was possible but it’s given me a huge boost of confidence. 

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