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Pre-Mature Complaining

This is my meds for far: 16 Days approx. Birth Control 10 Days of 500 mg Metformin 1 Day of 1000mg Metformin Days 1-7 on Metformin: Headache, which seams to effect my vision slightly blurred on the edges and my eyes are slow to focus. Slight nausea in the mornings but goes away with food. Not too much to complain about, it made reading hard and towards the end of the week I was feeling a little tired. Day 8-9 on Metformin: Extreme muscle ache, nausea (eating crackers and ginger ale or cold water helped), chills, head ache, stomach pains, hurt to breath (heat helped), all my joints hurt/fingers/ankles/hips/ribs/you name it!, heart rate went up when exerting myself, dizziness, exhaustion, basically wanted to just sleep life away but couldn't because I was in so much pain. I cried myself to sleep both of these nights. Night 9 I developed hot flashes at night and sweat up a storm! Day 10: Woke up feeling not great, but better, buy body hurt though. I went and got adjusted from my Chiropractor which basically had be in tears. He asked me what medication I was on after telling him what hurt, he knew I had to be on something what a "total body attack". Smart guy! Day 11: Increase my dose, during the morning day I felt pretty awesome!! I also started my day at the chiropractor again to help with my sore joints. By the late afternoon my headache intensified, vision affected, more intense nausea and crackers not helping. And the runs.... don't make me spell our the whole word cause its embarrassing. Basically I'm feeling SUPER sorry for myself this week because I'm only started HALF of my PRE IVF meds. Which makes me wonder how I'm going to survives the real deal. Not to mention the plethora of pregnancy announcements that came out during Christmas. Everyone deserves a baby and I'm as happy as I can be for those women but it's so hard to see those announcements and some I know for a fact it happened with ease. Here I am wrapped in a blanket, wanting to barf, my head swarming just trying to have a slight shot at maybe having another baby. I am BLESSED, beyond words. But I am going to take a moment and feel sorry for myself, ugly cry, and then buck up! But we all deserve to feel a little sorry for ourselves sometimes. For those of you about to do IVF know that my reaction to Metformin according to my nurse was maybe a little intense, however my sister-in-law said it all seams accurate to how she reacted and to plan to stay in bed for the next while!! Feel free to ask questions :)

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